The university library of Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Booklick (Colombia) join forces
In a new international partnership to further foster community engaged learning and provide teachers and students with an innovative platform aimed to enrich the Erasmus Educational Experience during a pilot project which will start in the upcoming academic year.
Booklick enriches Erasmus Educational Experience
All teachers of Erasmus University enrich their courses with (digital) learning materials such as required readings and boost the Erasmus Study Experience by actively engaging with the content.
Because Booklick has a unique approach to community engaged learning the Erasmus University library reached out to Booklick. Knowing that Booklick is an innovative service and platform that enhances the learning process with dynamic access to content, integrates library content; resources and truly connects minds. It provides access to academic content through search, personalized recommendations, and community socialization. In addition, Booklick is 100% integrated into Canvas.
Join the Erasmus Booklick Experience!
Easily provide access to library content.
Easily communicate with all students (about the course literature).
More students actively engage with the content.
Having insight into the use of course literature.
Having insight into the interaction (user activity) surrounding their course literature.
Exploring community learning/village knowledge centre.
A more (substantively) engaged student population.
To learn more about the project, please contact Wouter Kleijheeg at +31 6 38 73 98 13 or [email protected]l.
To learn more about Booklick, please contact July Kim Young at [email protected].